Ephemera 1: The Country is Full of Vampires

The following text is a partial reprinting of an article published on the internet newsletter and magazine Useless Eaters by Elom Paulson (alias Pynchon Silverfish) without the author's permission. Seeing as the authorities will not discover the missing author, we do not fear any future legal reprisal. While we have made the decision to include the abridged article as a piece of supplemental material, we also feel it necessary to provide a quick content warning. Paulson was a sniveling, hateful little man and his writing reflects his odious mentality. Slurs have been censored or contextually replaced to the best of our ability, but please consider skipping this section if you are sensitive to racist, anti-semitic, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and lesbophobic rhetoric. Thank you.

- The Editors

Winston Churchill once said “democracy is the worst form of government—except for all the others that have been tried,” and as with his assessment of Gandhi, the legendary statesmen hit the nail straight on the head. Democracy is the ultimate bounty of the cornucopia that is the West, but in complacency even this golden fruit has grown from ripe to rotten. The degenerate elements of our society feast on the putrid sweetness of the scraps which slough off its once verdant bosom. It is certainly redundant to repeat my motto here, all enlightened men know it to be true, but for the sake of any poor souls only arriving at this truth now, I shall repeat it: hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, and weak men make hard times. The cycle repeats. The cycle is inevitable. The buddhist may call it samsara, one step forward two steps back, but we know that the endurance, the fortitude, required in order to sustain our ideals is necessary to insure God’s kingdom on Earth. We will prevail. But we should never underestimate the trials of hard times.

We are in hard times.

I’m sure you can all see it, either through the little black mirrors in all of your pockets that spy upon you for the Chinese, or simply looking out the window at the filth caked across a formerly resplendent nation. We are up to our eyeballs in the sewage of degeneracy. Everyday we choke down greater and greater heaping spoonfuls, convincing ourselves that it is the newest milk-skin of grime that poses the greatest threat to our minds and bodies. It is the poison they stick us with in used heroin needles. It is the jobs they take away and gift to illegals and the dregs of the world’s gene pool with a nice bright red bow. It is the doddering fools they pick to lead us, growing drunk, fat, and stupid on the luxuries they have never worked to earn. It is the rampant crime of the underclass impotently lashing out at their betters. It is the ascendant cult of animism in the guise of ‘climate justice’ and its child priestesses. It is the tr–s, f–S, and bull dykes infiltrating our schools in order to molest and indoctrinate our children. The truth is that it is all of these indignities combined. But beyond that, the true threat comes from the source of them all:


You may scoff at this notion, you may think that I am simply speaking in metaphor, referring to one faction amongst their hoards of minions. The blacks, the Chinese, the slavs, the jews. Unknowingly, you have fallen for their diversion tactics. To quote Anakin Skywalker speaking to his indolent child, “search within yourself, you know it to be true.” You have no doubt heard tale of how elites drink the blood of christian children. How they bathe in it to prolong their corrupted lives and perform sodomite rituals in order to commune with satan. Perhaps you tell yourself that these are simply frivolous fairy tales made up by those poor souls the trotskyite press deem “conspiracy theorists.” Perhaps you accept their veracity, but simply see the elite as perverted fools mesmerized by their own opulence. If you fall into the latter camp, then you are half-right. These bacchanals that we hear bits and pieces of are just pantomimes of whelps emulating their masters. The true vampires would not demean themselves to revel with men.

All true vampires are lesbians.

What? Did you read that right? Yes. Perhaps the most well known and best documented account of a vampire in the past few centuries, the countess Elizabeth Báthory is the perfect case study of how they operate. Under the guise of a gynaeceum where Báthory would teach girls the proper etiquette to serve their future husbands, many families unwittingly sent their virgin daughters to their doom. Those that she did not eat or turn into the waters of her sanguine spa became her disciples, luring more and more innocent girls to the fate of eternal damnation. Though it is often neglected in the retellings of her dark deeds, she was often known to seduce her targets, making them more pliable to her will. Though perhaps among the most voracious, she was not any aberration for the likes of her kind.

Vampiric women have infiltrated the halls of power throughout history, sometimes taking power for themselves like Hatshepsut or Catherine the Great, but more often enthralling their husbands to carry out their being. You can find nary a tyrant in any nation who did not have a blood drunk lady McBeth by his side. Seductive Jezebels who only desire men for the power of the dominant sex, yet crave young women for their carnal appetites. They run the world from the shadows while we direct our ire at their brainwashed husbands. We have all been duped. Had it not been for Hillary Clinton discarding her Renfield, then I too would have remained blissfully ignorant to their machinations.

You may ask yourself: how did we get here? Not even a century ago, it was unthinkable to imagine every city in the country having its own quarter for queers. Every once in a while you might suspect an especially flamboyant actor of being a fruit, but it was pure fantasy that they would proudly proclaim it themselves. Even more, the sudden wellspring of transgendereds appearing everywhere, their strange self-inflicted hermaphroditism pushed on us as “beauty.” You know in your heart that these monstrosities are new. They gaslight you into thinking that they have always been here, pointing to mental deficients to support the premise that their affliction is natural.

It is anything but!

The truth, my dear readers, is that the vampires have been slowly infecting our water supplies with trace amounts of their necrotic blood. Those most susceptible to it have been beset with terrible dreams, dreams telling them that they desire the same sex, that they were born into the wrong bodies, that they must groom our children to be taken by their unseen masters. This is the truth of the transhumanist movement. They aim to make a world where Lucifer’s harlots rule over all, leaving good God fearing men to either serve as servants or studs for the breeding of their human veal. We are approaching an important turning point, my dear readers. It is us or them. Either we quickly purge our country of those with infected minds, cleansing them of their programming whenever we can, or we allow them to rape our women into their lecherous sisters and daughters into their chattel.

Do you wish to stand and fight, or expose your belly like a dog?

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